Thursday, February 16, 2012

Just say thank you!

by Kelly Miller

I have been a nanny for 17 years, and I am working with my fifth permanent placement family.  I have enjoyed all of my nanny positions immensely.  One thing I have appreciated is when my employers simply say "Thank you."
I am currently a nanny for a 1-year-old boy, and I know exactly what my employers are thinking.  A quick note in the nanny log yesterday said, "Thank you for the mittens you made with T. We are so impressed by the art projects you can get him to do!  Thank you for taking him to the library and tot time.  We know he enjoys his days with you because he is so happy in the evenings."  Sometimes they have left me a quick note on one of T's drawing boards, propped up next to the nanny log.  They have also left me thank you cards with a small gift card enclosed to Barnes and Noble or Target.  I feel appreciated when my employer is going to the grocery store and he asks me if there is anything I'd like (for me, not for T).  When I arrive, many times he points out something for lunch, or a new tea, or a special dessert they made.  This makes me feel welcome in their home, and I feel comfortable to have any meals or snacks that I would like.  I also feel appreciated when I get home to discover a text from my employer, thanking me for something that I did that day.

It is quick and easy to write a short note, buy some flowers or candy and let your nanny know that you appreciate her.  Since I work for employer's that constantly make me feel appreciated, I find that I am writing them affirming notes, too.  I know they appreciate art activities, and I often make the extra stop to purchase needed supplies for a special project.  I know they like me to go on local, close-to-home outings, so I concentrate on what is in their area.

Saying "thank you" is quick and easy to do.  Take the time to thank your nanny for everything she does for your children and your family.

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