Parents often have problems choosing an insect repellent for their kids. It seems even more difficult to know when to start using the insect repellent.
Surprisingly, there is an easy answer for
these parents. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that insect repellents
with DEET are safe to use on children as young as two months old.
Avoiding Insect Bites
Instead of, or in addition to, using insect
repellents, there are also many steps that you can take to avoid insect bites.
These protective measures include:
dressing your kids in
thin, loose-fitting, long-sleeve clothing that doesn't include bright colors
encouraging your kids to
wear socks and shoes instead of sandals
avoiding spending time
outdoors during evening to early morning hours (dusk to dawn)-- when mosquitoes
bite the most
avoiding scented soaps
and other things that might attract mosquitoes and other bugs
using a bug screen over
your child's stroller
controlling mosquitoes
and other insects where your kids play
While long-sleeve
clothing may not seem like a good option during the spring and summer because
of the heat, it does offer double protection against the sun and bugs. Thin,
loose-fitting clothing, while not as protective as thicker clothing, may help
to make it more tolerable.
Repellents with DEET
Most experts agree that an insect repellent
with DEET is the best protection against mosquito bites and other insects.
Choosing an insect repellent can be confusing, though.
Some insect repellents with DEET include:
OFF! Skintastic Family
(4.75% DEET)
OFF! FamilyCare Insect
Repellents (5, 7, or 15% DEET)
OFF! FamilyCare Insect
Repellent Towelettes (5.6% DEET)
Cutter All Family
Mosquito Wipes (7.15% DEET)
Cutter All Family
Mosquito Insect Repellent (7% DEET)
OFF! Deep Woods (25%
OFF! Deep Woods Sportsman
(30% DEET)
Keep in mind that insect repellents with
higher DEET concentrations aren't necessarily stronger than those with lesser
concentrations-- they simply last longer. So although the EPA reports that
"there is no restriction on the percentage of DEET in the product for use
on children," that doesn't mean that you should rush to use the highest
form of DEET you can find.
If your child is only going to be outside for a few
hours, you can likely just use an insect repellent with less than 10% DEET.
Reserve insect repellents with higher concentrations of DEET--including those
with 20% DEET or more--for when your child is going to be outside for four or
five hours.
DEET-Free Insect Repellents
Although insect repellents with DEET work
great and are thought to be safe to use on children, there are still many
parents who prefer DEET-free insect repellents. Many older reports associate
DEET with possible toxic side effects, including seizures. DEET has been found
to be safe to use, though, even on young children. Still, a DEET-free insect
repellent is fine to use if you prefer it and it works for your child.
Popular insect repellents that are DEET-free include:
Avon Skin So Soft Bug
Guard Insect Repellent
OFF! Botanicals Plant
Based Insect Repellent (oil of lemon eucalyptus)
Cutter Advanced Insect
Repellent (Picaridin)
Bull Frog Mosquito Coast
Burt's Bees Herbal Insect
Repellent (Lemongrass Oil, Citronella Oil, Rosemary Oil)
California Baby Bug Repellent
Spray with Citronella
Repel Plant Based Lemon
Eucalyptus Insect Repellent
Remember that, according their labels,
products with oil of lemon eucalyptus (e.g. OFF! Botanicals) should not be used
on children under age three.
Picaridin is another chemical ingredient found in
repellents and is not a natural product. It is thought to be as effective as
DEET and can be another option for parents looking for an alternative to DEET
to consider.
What You Need To Know
The AAP recommends that
parents should not reapply insect repellents with DEET more than once a day.
You should usually avoid
combination products with a sunscreen and insect repellent, such as Coppertone
Bug and Sun and Bull Frog Mosquito Coast. The main problem with them is that
sunscreens should be reapplied every few hours, while insect repellents should
not. They may be a good option if you are sure that you will only be out for a
few hours and you want the convenience of a single product, however.
To be safe, only apply
insect repellents to exposed skin. Do not apply it under clothing, on a child's
hands, near the mouth or eyes, or over cuts and irritated skin. You can even
apply the insect repellent to your hands first and then rub it on your child to
avoid over-application.
Wash off insect
repellents once your child comes inside and will no longer be exposed to