Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Summer Memory Keeper

This great idea comes from Spoonful (formerly Family Fun). You know how I love this resource!

Kids love this traditional Mexican yarn craft because of its fun weaving technique, and this framed variation is perfect for displaying your family's summer vacation mementos.

6 sticks, two 18 inches long and four 14 inches long
1 or 2 skeins of variegated yarn
Hand pruners (to cut sticks, an adult's job)

Start by crossing the 2 longest sticks in an X pattern. Tie the loose end of the yarn around the intersection and wind it around several times to secure the sticks. Next, wrap the yarn around the closest stick, flush against the intersection. Now wrap it around the next closest stick. Continue in this manner, working your way toward the ends of the sticks until only about 3 inches remain exposed. Cut the yarn and knot the end around a stick.

(Personal Note: while the example shows the wrapped version described above . . . some children find other ways of weaving the yarn around the sticks. I allowed each child to discover what worked best for them. Also, you don't have to have variegated yarn - - - you can use yarn left over from other projects.)

To add a frame, place the 4 smaller sticks in a square around the edge of the weaving, wrap yarn around the intersections of the sticks, and tie them in place, as shown at left. Finally, tuck summer vacation photos and souvenirs between the strands of yarn.


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